Words are more than sounds we make or what we write on a page. Words take thoughts, feelings, desires, and truth and allow us to share it with the world. Words can heal and produce joy, but they can also wound and bring sorrow. So, what are we to do with our words? Scripture says that in Christ all things are new and that includes the words we speak. But our aim is not just to learn the language of scripture, for that is not nearly enough. To truly live a life worthy of the Gospel we must be fluent in the words of Christ. His words must become ours. So join us, as we seek to experience the words of life.


1) Take time this week to consider when/where you tend to hear God's voice most prominently. Is it in specific places, with specific people? (This should definitely include scripture and prayer, but it will also include people or places where you are spurred toward loving God, see him as beautiful, and believe that in Christ you are fully loved.)

2) Identify where in your life other voices (other people, your own thoughts/desires etc.) have taken the place as ultimate. Where does someone/something other than God define what is good, life giving, worth pursuing?

3) Take time this week to help tune your heart to hear the Lord clearly. How can you quiet the voices of others, your enemy, even your own voice while turning up the volume of God speaking in your life?


1) Spend time this week by yourself and with others considering where you are prone to believe the words (lies) of our enemy over the Words of the Lord.

2) Identify (and put into practice) how you can turn down the volume on the voice of our enemy and turn up the volume of Gods words through his scripture, his people, and His spirit.


1) What are some of the lies the enemy is using in your life to try to prevent you from sharing the truth with those who need it?

2) Who is Jesus asking you to share the gospel with this week?


1) Memorize the words of the Father to the Son which now are also true of us - “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.”

2) Consider which of the gospel truths we walked through is most difficult for you to daily believe.

3) Preach the gospel to yourself daily. Figure out when and how you can remind yourself, again and again, of who you are in Christ.


1) Take time this week to consider your prayer life. Which of the “why’s” we considered do you find it hard to believe?

2) Invite someone into where your prayer life is at and where you want it to be. Pray with them and ask the Lord to work in that area.

3) Talk to your heavenly father. Be intentional with including him all through out your days. Enjoy his presence!


1). Take time to consider where your identity before a holy God isn’t settled. Where do you strive to build your own identity?

2). Identify where you value your own abilities, passions, or pursuits above others. How can you invite others, who have strengths, passions, or experiences other than your own to play a meaningful role in your life?

3). Rethink your public communication (e.g. social media). Do your words reflect a God who lowered himself to a place on a cross?



1) Silence yourself this week. Spend time gazing upon the perfect Holiness of God and the righteous judgment due for sinners.

2) Silence yourself this week. Spend time gazing upon the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ that is your rescue.

3) Bow before your King as his ransomed and redeemed ambassador and ask him to replace your words with his message of reconciliation.


1) How would your worship change if you clearly saw the ultimate object of worship?

2) When has someone presence and participation in gathered worship been a great encouragement to you?

3) Pray for someone, this week, who is an outsider to the body of Christ.