Each one of us has a story to tell. Our lives, including celebrations, trials, joys, and sorrows make up who we are, what we have gone through, and what our future may hold. But our lives are not simply segregated stories of individual people; rather, each one of our lives, and the lives of every man, woman, and child that has ever lived, is a part of a much larger story, a better story. The story of the world, is the story of the rebellion of man against his perfect creator and the shocking redemption of that same world through the coming of Jesus, God the Son, to live, and die, raise, and reign again. This summer we will spend time telling the story of Jesus Christ's redemptive work through passages of scripture so many of us are familiar with. We will see the saving grace of God and foreshadows of the coming savior in Abraham and Isaac, David and Goliath, Daniel and the Lions Den, Moses and the Children of Israel, and many others. Will you join us as we see that every hero, every battle, every victory, and every story points to a truer hero, a greater victory, and a better story?