We want to live life together in authentic community to encourage each other, pray for each other, and remind each other of the finished work of Christ. Because Christ saved us while we were yet sinners and promises to complete in us the work he has begun, we seek to live life openly and honestly; sharing our doubts, fears, sins, addictions, and struggles, while trusting that we will point each other back to the gospel. Living life in this type of gospel-centered community deepens our relationships with Christ and each other, and encourages us to pursue joy in our lives by following Christ's example.
Entire families gather together once a week to eat a meal, to dialogue with each other, to serve our community, to pray for one another, to celebrate blessings, to mourn hardship, and to multiply our lives. Once you are plugged into a GC, you will see that these gatherings are much more than just another event to attend. They are filled with people from all walks of life learning to live out the gospel in the day to day of life. Our desire is to spend time together walking out our identity in Christ, for the glory of our King and the joy of His people.

Click the GC’s below for more information
If you are considering joining us in GC, please contact the GC leader to ensure you arrive at the right time & place.