- March 3rd -
Studying the Scriptures
Applied learning sessioN:
Watch the following video together as a group.
Group Bible Study Session
Read John 3:1-8.
What might have been Nicodemus’s motivation to approach Jesus? Why at night? (See also John 2:13-20, 24.)
What is your motivation for seeking Jesus?
Why would Jesus talk to Nicodemus about being born again before saying anything else?
What did Nicodemus reveal in verse 4 as he answered Jesus?
Explain what Jesus meant by the word “flesh” in verse 6? (See also John 1:14; 6:51-56, 63 and Romans 8:5-9.)
How did Jesus describe someone who has not yet experienced new birth? Why is new birth essential? (See also John 5:24 and Ephesians 2:1, 5.)
According to this passage, can anyone know whether they are born again? Do you know whether you are born again?
Read John 3:9-15.
What accusation did Jesus make against Nicodemus and the Pharisees? (See also John 1:19-28; 2:13-25.)
How does the incident involving Moses in the wilderness point to Jesus? (See also Numbers 21:4-9.)
Describe your personal understanding of what it means to be saved. (See also Acts 4:12 and Romans 10:13.)
What part of your definition of “saved” puzzles you or moves you to praise God?
Read John 3:16-21.
Describe what is true of a person who believes in Jesus. (See also John 3:36.)
Read John 3:22-36.
What concern did John the Baptist’s disciples bring to him?
How did John the Baptist respond to the growing interest in Jesus?
In what way do you want to follow John the Baptist’s example?
What glorious truth about Jesus most impacted you this morning?