“There was a father with two sons,”… so begins one of the most famous parables of Jesus’s ministry. Jesus was constantly misunderstood and never more so than in how much time, effort, and emotion He put into loving and serving the sinful and broken. Why did Jesus seem so interested in these undesirables? Why didn’t He spend more time with those who followed the religious norms of the time? Why did he act like those who were so far off could be brought back into the family of God? Jesus used the parable of the prodigal son to show us His heart for those He created and for those who were utterly lost. What was the secret of this parable? Both sons of the father were lost (not just one as many of the hearers assumed), and all of Christ’s original hearers, from the prostitute to the pharisee, were in need of God’s pursuing, over the top, gracious love. Come and join us this month as we are reminded of that same love for us.