Gospel Mission

Evangelism & the christian witness

Read Romans 10:1-17 and consider what Paul is teaching. Have you ever wrestled with this question: “If it is God alone who saves by His sovereign choosing, what is the purpose of evangelism?” Often, our theology of salvation can make us either cold toward the lost, or conversely, it can saddle us with pressure and guilt as if we are personally responsible for saving people. As you prepare for this next session, consider the Biblical truth that God alone takes responsibility for saving His people, while He has simultaneously purposed that He would achieve through His command on the Church to share the gospel.

- The Divine Initiative by R.C. Sproul

- Presentation Slides
- Handouts
- Activity: Break out in groups of four and take turns sharing your redemption story with the other people at your table.

- TGC Courses: Evangelism in a Skeptical World; Lesson Four: “Storytelling the Gospel.” (25 minutes)
- Share your story of redemption with an unbelieving friend, neighbor, or coworker and tell them how they, too, can receive redemption through Christ.

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES (optional but recommended):
- Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. Packer (Book)
- The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield (Book)
- The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman (Book)

May 26th and June 2nd at 8:30a