Gospel Fluency

The truths of the gospel in everyday life

Consider your instincts when you encounter trouble and frustration or pleasure and reward in the everyday matters of life. Do you see these moments as a stage for gospel theater, where the life, death, and resurrection of Christ speak into the moment as the highest truth? Contemplate this question as you prepare for the next session.


- Presentation Slides
- Root to Fruit Exercise.

- TGC Courses: Gospel Fluency; Lesson Three: “The Gospel in Me, Part 1” (10 minutes)
- TGC Courses: Gospel Fluency; Lesson Four: “The Gospel in Me, Part 2” (11 minutes)

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES (optional but recommended):
The Gospel: The Key to Change by Tim Keller (Free pdf. Time-to-Read: 20 minutes.)
- For Your Joy by John Piper (Free pdf. 30 pages.)
- Gospel Fluency by Jeff Vanderstelt (Book)

March 31st and April 7th at 8:30a

“Root to Fruit.”
Meet up in the classroom and run through the Root to Fruit exercise on the whiteboard with the other disciples in the class. Take turns sharing real areas of sin, fear, doubt, or unbelief with the class, then work together to take those fruits down to the root and to speak the gospel over each other.