The Exodus is perhaps one of the best known stories of the Bible, a tale of miracles and rescue as the nation of Israel is freed from their slavery in Egypt and lead through the waters of the Red Sea into freedom. But the second book of the Bible is not simply a story, nor is it purely an account of wondrous events that took place thousands of years ago. In fact, the narrative is not even ultimately about Israel, Egypt, slavery, or freedom. The Exodus is about the God who Saves.
Israel represents all of the people of God, who apart from the grace and goodness of our Lord, find themselves enslaved to the world around them. They, like us, need deliverance, and not just freedom from slavery, but freedom into something better. That something better is the life-giving presence of our God and Creator. And in the culmination of the Exodus, He gives to us just that. Join us over the next three months as we walk through this awe inspiring account and expect to meet, know, and worship the God who saves.